Sunday, January 4, 2009

Live in God's Will!

Background Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4: 1-12

Today, we will be examining a passage where Paul is exhorting the Thessalonian believers to live within God's will. He is speaking in terms of God's will as it applies to all believers.

In verse 3, Paul writes that it is God's will for us to be sanctified. This means that we are to set apart for sacred use. In 1 Peter 2:9, we are told that every Christian is part of a royal priesthood. We are to be God's messengers in the world. Along with this responsibility comes the expectation that we will live in a way that is both holy and honorable (v.4). We must learn to control our own body and the physical lusts that all of us experience. This fact is especially true with regard to sexual sin (v. 3) which seems to be so rampant in our society today. The Lord will punish such behavior (v.6).

In verse 9, Paul reminds us that it is God's will for us to love each other (he is writing here specifically about brotherly love for other Christian believers). Jesus commands us to love one another in John 13:34-35. 1 John 3:16-20 tells us that love is an action verb, not an emotion or term of endearment. We demonstrate love through actions that encourage each other and build each other up.

Finally, Paul writes in v. 11 that we are to make it our ambition to live a quiet life and to mind our own business. What an oxymoron! We are not to pursue fame, notoriety, or monetary gain. Instead, we are to live in a way that does not purposely bring attention to ourselves, to go about our own business (which should be the Lord's business), and to work with our hands (supporting ourselves). We are to live in such a way that nonbelievers will respect our daily life. Hopefully, the end result of this type of life will be that we are then able to build relationships with the lost and share the gospel with them.

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